Apache Sqoop import to append existing table or files in hadoop - DataShark.Academy

Apache Sqoop import append table

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This solution is part of our Apache Sqoop tutorial. In this exercise, you will learn about how to append new data records into an existing table using apache sqoop import.

We recommend you to read more about Hadoop in our post – 6 Reasons Why Hadoop is THE Best Choice for Big Data Applications.

Apache Sqoop import to append existing table or files in hadoop - DataShark.Academy

Why you must learn about Apache Sqoop?

Apache Sqoop architecture is designed to import data from relational databases such as Oracle, MySQL, etc to Hadoop systems. Hadoop is ideal for batch processing of huge amounts of data. It is industry standard nowadays.

In real world scenarios, using sqoop you can transfer the data from relational tables into Hadoop and then leverage the parallel processing capabilities of Hadoop to process huge amounts of data and generate meaningful data insights. The results of Hadoop processing can again be stored back to relational tables using sqoop export functionality.

As sqoop is one of the integral part of Big data hadoop systems, it is often asked in big data job interviews. This post walks you through a sqoop import example which will help you with those sqoop interview questions.


How to install Hadoop

Before proceeding with this exercise, you must have Hadoop installed on your machine.

If you are using a Macbook/Linux computer then refer this step by step guide on installing Hadoop on a Macbook.

In case you are a windows PC user, then refer this guide to install Apache Hadoop on your windows PC.

Assuming that you have already installed Apache Hadoop on your computer.

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Next you need to do 2 more installations before you are ready to run the sqoop import commands:

  1. Install MySQL – For this you can perform mysql download first and then follow instructions to install MySQL on windows or Macbook.
  2. Sqoop Installation – Here as well, first do sqoop download and then follow instructions to install sqoop on windows or Macbook.

The great news is that if you have followed the steps from our guide to install Apache Hadoop on Windows PC, then you don’t need to do either of this aka install MySQL or Sqoop installation. They come pre-built into Hortonworks Data Platform Sandbox package which makes life much easier.

But if you are a Macbook or Linux machine user, then you can use brew utility to install MySQL and Sqoop very easily too. Here are the steps for Mac/Linux users:

Install MySQL

In order to install mysql on a Macbook or Linux machine, just run below command on terminal:

brew install mysql

It will automatically download latest release of MySQL including all dependencies with it and install on your computer.


Sqoop Installation

In order to install sqoop on Macbook or Linux machines, just run below command on terminal prompt:

brew install sqoop

This will automatically download sqoop from internet and install it on your machine.


Sqoop Import using append

After following all installation steps above, you are ready to proceed with sqoop import process. In this exercise, we will use append directive from apache sqoop. Using sqoop’s append, we can import all records from a MySQL table & append them to an existing table on HDFS instead of overwriting them.

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Remember that by default, sqoop import will fail if target directory already exist in HDFS. With append directive, it will not fail but rather create new files in same directory.

Let’s look at the command first and we will go through it in detail next


sqoop import \
 --connect jdbc:mysql://sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com/sqoop \
 --username root \
 --password hadoop \
 --table employees \
 --target-dir /sqoop/employees \
 --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver \

How sqoop import command works

In above sqoop import command, we are importing all records from ’employees’ table in MySQL database called ‘sqoop’


To connect to database, we used –connect directive followed by JDBC connection string to mysql database.

--connect jdbc:mysql://sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com/sqoop

For Mac/Linux users, the mysql connection string will look something like:

--connect jdbc:mysql://


This is username for MySQL database


This is password for MySQL database


This is the table that you want to import from MySQL database. In our case, we are importing ’employees’ table.


This is target directory on hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) where you would like the data be copied to. You can pass in full HDFS URI or just the absolute path from root directory on HDFS.

In our case it is set to /sqoop/employees


This directive specifies the driver to be used for making JDBC connection with MySQL database.



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You can set it to – com.mysql.jdbc.Driver


This directive will create new files in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) directory.


Run Sqoop Command

In order to run this command, open the terminal on your computer and paste above sqoop import command into it and press enter. When you do that, Sqoop import will start and create additional files in target directory on HDFS.

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We hope you enjoyed this sqoop lesson on how to run sqoop import command to append data to an existing target directory on Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).



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