Complete ElasticSearch Integration with LogStash, Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Kibana and MapReduce - DataSharkAcademy

ELK Stack (ElasticSearch – LogStash – Kibana) including hands-on practicals with Apache Hadoop, Hive, PIG & MapReduce

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Complete ElasticSearch tutorial for beginners to advanced level professionals.

Learn how to use ElasticSearch with Apache Hadoop and build various real world big data applications.

In this ElasticSearch Tutorial, you will learn how to work with ElasticSearch in Hadoop ecosystem. You will learn how to integrate Apache Hive with ElasticSearch, Apache Pig with ElasticSearch, LogStash and Kibana with ElasticSearch & more.

Complete ElasticSearch Integration with LogStash, Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Kibana and MapReduce - DataSharkAcademy


This comprehensive ElasticSearch tutorial focuses on building real world like data pipelines to move data from one system to another. A common practice for any data engineer. This elasticsearch tutorial course will provide numerous elasticsearch examples from real world like problems.

Once you learn how to move data from Hadoop to ElasticSearch, you will create real-time business intelligence dashboards using Kibana.


A Note For Data Engineers

This is the only course on Internet covering integration of ElasticSearch with Hadoop and creating various real world applications.


What you will get in course

6 hours of On-Demand Videos  |  Working Code | Full Lifetime Access  |  Access on Mobile & TV  |  Certification of Completion

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You will learn

Section 1 – Ingestion Flows (Hadoop to ElasticSearch)

In this section of the course, you will learn to move data from various Hadoop applications (such as Hive, Pig, MR) & LogStash into an ElasticSearch index. This is an ideal business use case to prepare data for business analytics. Here are four major topics that will be covered in this section of the course:

  • Learn how to install Apache Hive on your computer. Then read data from a hive table and load it into ElasticSearch
  • Learn how to install Apache PIG on your computer and index data into ElasticSearch using Apache PIG
  • Create a MapReduce program (Java code) and load data into an ElasticSearch index
  • Learn how to move data using LogStash into an ElasticSearch index
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Section 2 – Egression Flows (ElasticSearch to Hadoop)

In this section of the course, you will learn to use indexed data from an ElasticSearch cluster and load it back into Hadoop cluster. After data is loaded back into Hadoop, you will learn how to directly import it into Hive, Pig, M/R or LogStash. Here are four major topics that we will cover under this section:

  • Learn how to import an ElasticSearch index directly into Apache Hive table
  • Learn how to import an ElasticSearch indexed data into Hadoop using Apache PIG scripts
  • Import an ElasticSearch indexed data into Hadoop using Java MapReduce program
  • Learn how to import an ElasticSearch indexed data using LogStash application

Section 3 – Data Visualization

In part of the ElasticSearch tutorial, you will learn how to use indexed data from an ElasticSearch cluster and create dynamic dashboards using Kibana. Here you will learn how to combine the capabilities of ElasticSearch with Kibana.

This will be a very important lesson for Data Analysts and Data Scientists.


ElasticSearch LogStash & Kibana Dashboard - DataSharkAcademy

Section 4 – Production Cluster Monitor tool

No knowledge is complete without learning how to maintain an application in production. In this section of the course, you will learn how to monitor your ElasticSearch cluster using Marvel plugins. Here are few things that you will learn:

  • Cluster Health monitoring at Index, Shard, Node levels
  • Parsing ElasticSearch Cluster statistics using Linux utilities
  • Setting up wait-for-trigger mechanism and much more

Learn ElasticSearch with LogStash & Kibana - DataAnaysis - DataSharkAcademy


ElasticSearch LogStash & Kibana Dashboard - DataSharkAcademy


Section 5 – Searching an ElasticSearch Index

  • Learn about awesome search capabilities offered by ElasticSearch
  • How to search something from an ElasticSearch index in real time.
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♦♦♦♦♦ Very good explanation on each topic and I will revisit this videos ,need to do some practice, well done !!! Thanks.

-Pittala Venu


♦♦♦♦♦ I loved it

-Edwin Jerome


♦♦♦♦♦ This course is a brilliant training to be a please entrance for the elastic search.I can absolutely recommend for the trainees who haven’t met with elastic search before.Contents are well designed and quite satisfied.This is a useful course for people interested in learning ElasticSearch. No fluff added, every single topic is valuable.

Thank you!


Your Instructor


DataShark.Academy - Big Data Training Courses

At DataShark Academy, we offer accelerated learning programs taught by expert professionals with years of experience in Big Data Technologies. We provide the fastest route to Hadoop and Big Data excellence. Our approach focuses on maximum results in the shortest possible time by designing courses around the real world use cases that our students will most likely be handling at their jobs.

All of our courses include HD quality lecture videos reinforced with instructional and hands-on lab instructions and review tests.

Don’t waste hours of your valuable time watching long boring videos only to find you are still not prepared for the dream job.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Q. When does the course start and finish?

A. The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.

Q. How will I get code?

A. After you enroll into the course, you will get instructions on how to download the code.

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Q. How long do I have access to the course?

A. How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.

Q. What if I am unhappy with the course?

A. We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.



Get Started Now

Complete ElasticSearch Integration with LogStash, Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Kibana and MapReduce - DataSharkAcademy



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  9. […] Learn ElasticSearch and Build Data Pipelines – This is actually an intro to a very comprehensive course on integrating Hadoop with ElasticSearch. This is one of key skills for advancing your data engineering career. […]

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  19. […] have a detailed course on how to use ElasticSearch with Hadoop. In this course you will learn how to move data between various systems and also create dynamic […]

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  21. […] ELK Stack (ElasticSearch, LogStash, Kibana) including hands-on practicals with Apache Hadoop, Hive, … […]

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